A plan for safer betting on Super Bowl LVII

Sports betting is serious business. For the second year running our client, the Responsible Gambling Council, asked us to create a campaign to raise awareness of the risks associated with sports betting and highlight the importance of planning ahead. Working with Leger Marketing, we created a survey to better understand betting intentions of Ontarians for Super Bowl LVII. Our team created a full media package including media release/pitch, Op-Ed and key messages. Media interest was extremely high and we earned significant media coverage including an Op-Ed in the Toronto Star

GE HealthCare and Windsor Regional Hospital Enter Long-Term Innovative Technology Agreement

Windsor Regional Hospital and GE HealthCare announced a 15-year Managed Equipment Service (MES) agreement. This partnership delivers innovative technology solutions to the local community to help enable better patient outcomes, improve efficiencies for clinicians and staff, and offer significant cost savings to the hospital for years to come. The Xposure PR team worked with both organizations to create a launch plan to inform local, regional, and national stakeholders. Healthcare is a hot topic and the news was well received. Here’s a great piece from the Windsor Star.

Largest Healthcare IPO in History

In early January GE Healthcare spun off from its parent company and became its own entity trading on the NASDAQ as GHEC. This marked the largest IPO in healthcare sector history.  Markets responded well and the company is positioned to provide a new era of more precise, connected, and compassionate healthcare. The Xposure PR team assisted with external communications in Canada throughout the process.


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